ER Diagram - phpBB forum

phpBB forum – database diagram

ER Diagram - phpBB forum


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  • No other bulletin board software offers a greater complement of features, while maintaining efficiency and ease of use.

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HTML report / online ERD

The online database model (online ERD) was created by reverse engineering the database structure from locally installed phpBB version 3.3.10. The target database was MariaDB with InnoDB default engine.

How to use the simple ERD: click on a db table in the online ERD. A new window opens – and in the window you can view the details of the table, including how indexes are defined and other details of the selected MariaDB table.

The database structure doesn’t include relationships and like in many other open source systems, database functions, table triggers and other database objects are not specified.


Target database:

Diagram URL:

Luna Modeler project file:

How to:
Open *.dmm project file in Luna Modeler

About Luna Modeler: a desktop data modeling tool for MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. It allows you to create ER diagrams of existing databases, generate SQL or schema creation scripts and produce PDF or HTML reports. A feature-limited trial version is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. For more information about Luna Modeler please visit

If you have suggestions or comments, send us a message to dbdiagrams(at)